This is happiness

the light, the temperature outside minus 14 and getting colder each day, more snow, clean house, table nearly ready for new years eve, children playing outside, champagne glasses ready, soon shower, preparing some wonderful fish…and enjoying the last day in 2017…calm year full of creativity and me-time, I really look forward to 2018…


The heaven in front of my house new years afternoon 2017

The music can lift you up in a second, its on repeat these days, starting cool dancing moves. I wish You all a happy new year…see you in the new one…

colour hunter

what a description said by turkish artist Hülya Özdemir making the most colourful and wonderful aqquarelles…with a touch of pop culture, fashion, sad feelings and mystery…

Gustave Klimt and Frida Kahlo is some of her inspiration, but what I really like is her titles…

Lost in the moment, Not that hard to find, Wishing well, The wind is the only sound, Who knows the distance…..

straws and crowns

This year I had one of my huge wishes fulfilled, I was given a wreath of straws as christmas gift. Simple and cheap wish, but we don’t have straws around this corner of the world. When I was living in Sweden I had the opportunity to participate in a course creating straw chandeliers or crowns and in general creating christmas straw ornaments with red thread. Ever since I have been dreaming about sitting for hours creating some Greenlandic inspired straw crowns.

Chanderliers made of straw is made several places in the world, Sweden, Finland, Germany and Poland (I had a polish grandfather, thats probably the reason I love them so much)…Russia and the Baltic countries…and I’m sure they are made many other places.

In Sweden they are called Halmkronor or Halmspiror, in Finland Oro or Himmeli, in Poland Pajaki….

For some years it has been quite modern with all the geometric forms and designs, but geometric straw mobiles or crowns are something very different, its traditions, craft, storytelling about the one who is creating the chandelier or strawpieces….and most of all celebration.

In Poland the Paper chandeliers, or pajaki, are a traditional Polish folk craft designed to brighten up the home with bold spring blooms during the long winter. Traditionally made from reeds, tissue paper, and foil, these ornate decorations can be made from many supplies found in your home.

And that is the same in Sweden, besides using paper in the crowns its common to use felt and berries as well.

How about a snow crown or mountain crowns, perhaps done with dry local berries, (I kept some from the summer), or Eriophorum also called cotton grass or cotton sedge…we have them everywhere in the early summer…or with dried flowers….lets see in the new year…

day and night

in one…I fell over this first nice illustration “Skydiver” by Enkel Dika and suddenly I remembered another piece of art I met as a very young girl around 11 years old, which made a huge impression on me….

“skydiver” Illustrations by Enkel Dika found on

this second one “Empire of Light” by René Magritte….its beautiful and strange….I think I still have a postcard of it somewhere in a drawer with cards I have collected over the years…

Collection Online | René Magritte. Empire of Light (L’empire des lumières). 1953–54 – from Guggenheim Museum

always welcome

in my house, new jewelleries like these, nature, tribal, lovely, woven, cool, minimalist, botanical, colourful pieces…..I love huge jewelleries…

favourite kind of light

These short days, where the light is so little…and I appreciate it so much and enjoy it while its there because I’m home…usually I leave when its dark and come home when its dark…but I really like light that mesmerize and hold you still for a moment, just a glimse of light passing by or being still and experiencing it…

for the new year

inspiration for a planner, calendar, bulletjournals, notebooks, law of attraction manifestation journals, nice pencils….we went out buying cardboard today, planning to draw and design our own personal planners, mainly for manifestation, but also as a yearly calendar…I have created my own calendar since the children were small, every year something new, quickly made…put up in the kitchen, with all the activities and appointments….

But this year its going to be different, I am challenged by my eldest daughter to show some Law of Attraction and manifesting what I want in a more goal setting way…so I have taken up the challenge and will set up the goals and dreams the next days…the year we are leaving have been quite calm and slow paze, 2018 will be different more intuitive.

I wonder if any of you readers out there have any experience with Law of Attraction goal setting….I would love to hear from you….I would love to hear from you anyway…

handmade with love

besides all the ceramic the evenings are filled with knitting. One grey icelandic sweater already done and given christmas eve, one wool, silk offwhite soon finished and will be given as a 10 year old birthday gift to my youngest daughter, and the next knit in line a 14 year old birthday dress for my eldest daughter…and in between finishing a very old project for myself a lovely blue blouse, where I only need to knit the sleeves…


icelandic sweater made by aviaja


finstickat by aminomo