“I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve.” – Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice

Yesterday evening I went out with my eldest daughter Anouk to the Theatre Betty Nansen , to watch an old play Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, but made as a modern play, where its acting, modern music, ballet, dance, and beautiful beautiful scenography, stagelight and subtle stage terms. It was both amusing and at the same time touching. We the audience applauded them big time afterwards.

The Theatre Betty Nansen
Huge applause


My two girls Anouk and Milla as smaller children enjoying each other and life

Kalaallisuut = the traditional greenlandic national costume.

In some months we have celebration time in our family and are now planning the celebration cloth. For big occassions like ending schools (they are 16 and 20years old) we of course wear our national greenlandic costumes, although we are in Denmark now, and that it will be very very warm to wear them end june. It will be so special and we will have some pictures at stairs made so the girls are having images from different periods of their lifes. Below from different life events!

Their new school chapters will be university for my eldest daughter and a year long youth folk school “folke højskole” next to the Wadden Sea in West Denmark (a danish school form) for my youngest daughter.

Windy view

This is our backyard, less than 5 min walk from our home, and we get up there several times a week with and without the neighbourhood dogs. From the top of the hill were able so see the whole city Aarhus in its whole extend, and see the ocean. A little beautiful piece of nature – which is so soothing for the soul. After days with a lot of warm and sunny weather we welcome the wind and more cooling temperatures.

The view – I wish I could show it like it is, its a wonderful view
Happy dog – happy daughter

Food Simplicity

I always loved food, taste new things, experiment, create recipies, I can taste the ingredients in my head, and lately have I been doing a lot of food tv at my Inualife page. Not that I intend to become a chef, more just sharing all the love for new favourite recipies, tastes and the beauty of the food.

This morning my daughter Anouk made a lovely green smoothie, which she makes every morning at her Højskole/kind of bording school, this is not a sweet smoothie, but a very lovely green smoothie, today topped with my homemade granola. The smoothie is made of spinach, celery, cucumber, lemon, ginger and grinded flaxseeds.

Our morning Green smoothie
Yesterdays dinner
Home baked bread
Kalechips with lemon and parmesan

Today I rise

A dear new friend of mine – talented writer, poet and dancer Michiru Adriene shared this sacred beautiful conscious art short film…by Alexandra Feldner – what a gift to recieve.

Connect with all aspects of yourself – Be a gift …..

Full speed

Thats how it feels to be a mother experiencing my girls growing up. Tomorrow my youngest daughter is becoming 13 years old and five days after my eldest daughter is becoming 17 years old.

So their gifts are ready – baloons and lovely food. And today we all recieved a happy birthday bouquet of flowers, how wonderful is that?! The sun has been shining, there is snow – life is good!

Birthday presents for two girls
Flowers for all of us


Is our new little webshop on instagram : iMADETHETHINGS

My eldest daughter is home from her school (as well as my youngest), so I asked her to start a webshop with our own homemade things, vintage things, things from our home we dont use anymore, things bought out there in the lovely world, now when we are minimalist’ ….then she has something to do during the lockdown and at the same time earn some money.

Cool knit

Leftover yarn skirt
Soon finishing
I love the colourshift

I have for years been knitting on a project so I could use leftover yarn from my projects. First it was meant to be a blanket, but I have turned it in to a skirt and one of the days it will be finished. It is so satiesfying and definitely not the last leftover knit project I will make. I have a lot of yarn for a smaller project – so I wonder what the design will be next time.

My eldest daughter is waiting to use it, my best friend is waiting to use it, and I look forward to wear the skirt 🙂

My youngest daughter 13years old in some weeks) has actually started to design and sew her own cloth in the style and design she wants it. She do it all by her self and by hand…thats so nice – and she is wearing the cloth everyday.

My eldest is busy bee sewing beautiful facemask’ in lovely patterns and colours. And then she is so good at quilting and patchwork. I really love that I can share some of my passions and interest’ with my children…