snowwaves and hidden frontdoors

Two heavy snowstorms in one week, one day without snowstorm this week…which have resulted in SO much snow, snd a lot more to come, the heaven is dark grey which means more snow is on its way…

I think I have had my portion exercise today, shovling my whole frontpath, shovling my neighbours frontpath, plus in front of her kitchendoor and windows(otherwise the melting snow damage door and windows) shovling around my car, shovling a little at our terrace…..this wet snow provides bigger muscles… 🙂

car ride – part two

We went in to the car, and took a ride a little bit everywhere in Nuuk…stayed in the car and went back home…it felt refreshing and was one of the highlights of this week…a daily highlight is that we are having a cup of tea and two pieces of chocolate 🙂 and then we have been eating a lot of lentils and root vegetables this period..Im grateful we only have 6 with covid-19 in Greenland and only here in Nuuk (the capital ) and 2 of the 6 are already healthy the strong quick isolation strategy here has helped. No flights in and out of Greenland , and no flights between settlements and towns around Greenland. The same with sailing, no sailing…and all people are asked to stay at home unless it is really really important…hopefully we soon will be able to open up dailylife again in our society, but still no flights in and out of Greenland until the virus calms down in Europe…until then enjoy the part two photos of todays ride…

a little ride part one

after many many days at home, and two days of snowstorm we took a little car ride today in the beautiful weather…so much snow from the ladt days, and difficult white-out driving, BUT it was manageable in our strong car, we met a car in front of us, which couldnt get op a hill, because there was too much snow, then its nice to have a strong and big car…my lovely girls took the photos while I drove…

Slowing down

A little walk, cold, windy fresh air, so much sun, slowing down after months of being very busy, first day on the sofa during the day, reading, relaxing, its like the body and mind are still in doing mode…

Im probably not the only one adjusting to this being together on a distance, I wonder how it is for all of you out there?!

I think I will join the adults on the videoclip and have some fun on the hills tomorrow…

a little of everything

I have been working a lot, still working a lot, my huge interior project is heading its last fase…fingers crossed we finish it right after easter holiday…a “but” has showed up, today we had our official first coronaperson in Greenland, personal I think we havea lot more, and decided last week to take my children out of school and homeschool them for a two week period…Im one of the few doing it…and myself organizing my work so I have as little humancontact as possible during the day…thats the good thing about interior!

Another big thing going on in our life is that we are moving out of our house in less than two weeks, (we sold it)…and we move in next door to our neighbours house(she is abroad for 3 months)…so my big daughter Anouk can finish her school and exams…then we move to Denmark/Copenhagen…which is huge for us all. I havent been living in Denmark for 16 years…its going to be a very new chapter in our life.

Which kickstarted the process of selling most of our things, we keep 3 furnitures and have less than 20 smaller boxes…that is so wonderful, minimalistic and quite refreshing…non attachtment! But we will miss our very lovely house, view and we already started the process of manifesting a new favourite and loved home..<3

And our very loved cat, Balou will have a fosterfamily for the next 3 months, because we are not allowed to have him with us in the neighbours house…we will miss him, thankfully he will stay at some good “cat people”, where we can visit him often, and also live with him occassionally when they spend weekends in the fiord. He paid them a visit some days ago..poor him, he has never visit anyone and was so afraid!!

It has been so beautiful weather, cold, sunny, for a long period…today minus 22…its going to be nice to be able to crosscountry skiing when the temperature is getting warmer..

This post is a little of everything from the last period…a lot of cooking, experimenting, healthy food, and a lot of reading..

Im reading Jan Philipp Sendker, a trilogy, which are so good that I keep turning on the light to read although I should sleep 🙂 Just a chapter more…and another…

This evenings dinner…and so much more dailylife..

Fresh air + muscle use + meetings

That is what a snowfestival is filled with…the girls and I just went by the harbour to see what the participants have been working with the last two days…it made me remember all the 3 times I have been participating myself, looooong time ago in the 90ties…working with a 3x3x3 meter big snowcube is so wonderful, filled with possibilities! A little part of me wanted to jump in and create a sculpture, but right now its fine to sit in my sofa and do sbsolutely nothing after weeks of being busy! Another time…by the way, they have had sbsolutely wonderful weather, so much sunshine the last two days, during my Brené Brown Dare To Lead workshop..

OOOH Houses!

Photoparade with nice black houses…For many years have a specific black wood house kept showing up in my mind, I know I will find it one day and move in…I know how it looks in details, the surroundings and the energy about the place…its so familiar that I look for it, because it has been in my mind for so many years! Its none of these black houses, but I like them..