Spring energy

Just a little trip to Copenhagen where I have spent more time enjoying time with family and friends than I remembered to take photos. But the days have included lovely traintrips, long walks, seeing old friends, enjoying the warm weather, sun, flowers and the smell of spring, nice food, crossing a lot of bridges and oceans, our cat with us, buying drawing tools in my favourite drawing store, playing games, a lot of reading in a book from Mooji, 2 day old lamb, lamas…it has felt like floating…so lovely days…

Happiness, peace, love and sunshine

I love the way the children play at the Waldorfschool and have access to tools, wood, stones, all kinds of things. Their dailylife reminds me of my childhood in the 70’ties…I would love to write more – but I not today…perhaps tomorrow evening while I sit in the train towards Copenhagen.

Sprouts everywhere

The last two weeks have we been planting a lot of seeds, parsley, basilika, tomato, chili, rucola, spinach, thyme, marigolds, and other vegetables and flowers – especially wild flowers to attract the bees and insects. I really look forward to experience how it all evolve and how much we can harvest later this year…I grew up with a huge vegetable garden, so Im starting up a mini vegetable garden now we are living in Denmark and can plant it outside.

Blackbirds have made a nest right outside – I can follow them from my desk

Food Simplicity

I always loved food, taste new things, experiment, create recipies, I can taste the ingredients in my head, and lately have I been doing a lot of food tv at my Inualife page. Not that I intend to become a chef, more just sharing all the love for new favourite recipies, tastes and the beauty of the food.

This morning my daughter Anouk made a lovely green smoothie, which she makes every morning at her Højskole/kind of bording school, this is not a sweet smoothie, but a very lovely green smoothie, today topped with my homemade granola. The smoothie is made of spinach, celery, cucumber, lemon, ginger and grinded flaxseeds.

Our morning Green smoothie
Yesterdays dinner
Home baked bread
Kalechips with lemon and parmesan