Todays colourdose

At Aros at lovely art museum in the middle of Aarhus…I was so lucky to be gifted a years membership with an extra person to this lovely and colourful museum…

Today was the first time of many visits and I really enjoyed it with my girls and some good old friends which came in from Copenhagen to visit us for some days.

Days at museums – exploring this new place – this new city means a lot of walks – today more than 11km/ 7 miles and 15 floors – yesterday was more or less the same…besides I need to continue projects from Greenland I think a couple of days at the beach would be good for us the voming days…

I read

I could be social or I could read! ….

….or choose to stay at home with my cat and kids…I love the silence…and simplicity…thats what I thought about when I saw these illustrations…and of course its the real books, books in your hands, next to your bed, piled up everywhere…when I was younger I thought I never could let go of any of my books, but now I only have a few shelves of books, either books I have bought waiting to be read, or books which still talks to me one way or another…if they dont talk to me I let them move on to another home, where someone else could have the joy of them…

Exploring inner worlds

Asja Boroš is an artist and illustrator based in Croatia. I have followed her Instagram page for some time and love her style, they remind me a lot of an russian artist Yelena Bryksenkova (grew up in Cleveland Usa) we already have some artprints from.

The art of Asja is colourful, the qoutes are lovely and I like the way she show her art as an visual diary.

She describes herself like she is painting her inner emotional landscapes in ink and explores her dreams and visions through ongoing series of colorful illustrations.

Her work reflects a deep desire to take a glance behind the curtains of everyday reality, to go beyond all reason and dive into the mysterious realms of imagination and to explore her inner worlds in a playful way. Through her art she wishes to evoke a sense of childlike joy, innocence, optimism and hope.

whimsical everyday art

by swedish illustrator and artist Camilla Engman, which I first met back in 2010 in Gothenburg, where I was invited by some swedish textile artist’ for an annual textile exibition in Gothenburg…

Her expression and style are playful, light and circles around dailylife aspects…besides her illustrations, she creates paper- and woodartpieces, ceramic and installations…

Have a look at her homepage camilla engman, or elsewhere on the net…

session 12

exibition session 12 by illustrator and artist Camilla Engman

here is a little movie about her life and work …

then a little funny photo of some of her work…braided grass…and a curious cat…

camilla engman

HOLY mackerel

and some extra species….f(i)etish…

colour hunter

what a description said by turkish artist Hülya Özdemir making the most colourful and wonderful aqquarelles…with a touch of pop culture, fashion, sad feelings and mystery…

Gustave Klimt and Frida Kahlo is some of her inspiration, but what I really like is her titles…

Lost in the moment, Not that hard to find, Wishing well, The wind is the only sound, Who knows the distance…..

day and night

in one…I fell over this first nice illustration “Skydiver” by Enkel Dika and suddenly I remembered another piece of art I met as a very young girl around 11 years old, which made a huge impression on me….

“skydiver” Illustrations by Enkel Dika found on

this second one “Empire of Light” by René Magritte….its beautiful and strange….I think I still have a postcard of it somewhere in a drawer with cards I have collected over the years…

Collection Online | René Magritte. Empire of Light (L’empire des lumières). 1953–54 – from Guggenheim Museum

for the new year

inspiration for a planner, calendar, bulletjournals, notebooks, law of attraction manifestation journals, nice pencils….we went out buying cardboard today, planning to draw and design our own personal planners, mainly for manifestation, but also as a yearly calendar…I have created my own calendar since the children were small, every year something new, quickly made…put up in the kitchen, with all the activities and appointments….

But this year its going to be different, I am challenged by my eldest daughter to show some Law of Attraction and manifesting what I want in a more goal setting way…so I have taken up the challenge and will set up the goals and dreams the next days…the year we are leaving have been quite calm and slow paze, 2018 will be different more intuitive.

I wonder if any of you readers out there have any experience with Law of Attraction goal setting….I would love to hear from you….I would love to hear from you anyway…

world of inspiration

If you like all kinds of art, architecture, fashion, design, interior, documentary, photography and cultural things check out this place full of videotreasures nowness

There is a lot of lovely interior videos (enjoy 89 of them at their page)… this is one of them…..

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and a design video (enjoy 290 of them)……which is perfect, because I for the moment every second day create new pieces of ceramic…

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